
Showing posts from April, 2021

"Biography Of Steve Jobs".

" The Success Story Of Steve Jobs". Introduction: Steve Jobs was an American businessman and inventor who played a key role in the success of Apple Computers. Steve Jobs is most loved,inspiring businessman and also the father of digital revolution. Early life: Steve Jobs was born in Sanfransico in 24 Feb.1955 to two university student Joanne Schieble and Syrain-born John Jandali . they  were both unmarried at the time , and Steven was given up for adoption. Steven was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs, who he always considered to be his real parents. Steven father Paul encouraged him to experiment with electronics in their garage.This lead to a lifelong intrest in electronics and design. Educational life: Steve Jobs attend a local school in California and later enrolled at Reed College,Portland,Oregon. His educational was characterized by excellent test result and potential . At Reed College , he attend a calligraphy course which fascinated him. He later said this course was ins

Biography of Rohit sharma

 "The Untold Story Of Rohit Sharma". Introduction In a country where cricket is next to religion, and where billions dream of raising the bat one day in front of a full-packed screaming stadium in the blue jersey, can you imagine how difficult it is to become a part of the Dream 11? The odds are one in a billion. This was the probability of Rohit Sharma, a boy of humble parents belonging to a middle-class background, to make a career in cricket. It is his sheer talent and dedication that gave wings to his dreams and inspired many to dream big. Today, as the Vice-captain of the Indian team and the Captain of one of the most successful IPL teams- Mumbai Indians, Rohit Sharma’s time on the pitch can only be outdone by the high pitches of the crowd for him. His sixes accelerates heartbeats of a billion hearts, at once.  Childhood Rohit was born on 30 April 1987, to parents who could not afford to raise him because of poverty. When he was just one and a half years old, his family